There are a lot of TV programmes which result in serious boredom, causing you to make trips to the fridge or play games on your phone.
However, recent footage of a level-crossing has had staff at iVan on the edge of their seats. If warnings near level-crossings are noted and obeyed, CCTV of train tracks should be quite dull.
Unfortunately, every year in the UK, numerous individuals get involved in serious or fatal accidents when they fail to obey warning signs on level-crossings which inform them that a train is coming their way.
One company van insurance policy user in Cornwall recently avoided a similar fate purely by chance, when he pulled out onto a level-crossing without paying attention to warning signs or looking left and right.
The 60-year-old only managed to avoid what could have been a fatal accident by accelerating out of the train's way. It was just meters from his vehicle when he took evasive action.
Truro Crown Court heard the case, but thankfully for the driver he was not charged with dangerous driving. Instead, when the jury heard that foliage prevented a clear view of the crossing and warning signs were poor, he was convicted for careless driving.