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As a cheap van insurance specialist, iVan is brilliantly placed to understand and respond to the evolving trends of the commercial vehicle world.

Over the past couple of years one thing we have noticed is the emerging market for electric vans, which alongside the twin benefits of good fuel efficiency and low emissions can also be a positive factor in receiving a cheap van insurance quote.

And, with the price of petrol and diesel fuels both erratic and on generally upward trajectories, there has never been a better time to consider the advantages of an electrically powered commercial vehicle - they are no longer an option for the future, they are a realistic option for today.

Trevor Power, from electric van manufacturer Modec, explains, "Despite often being viewed as a solution for the future, electric vehicles are an economically viable reality and in use within commercial fleets today. During the six years of development invested in the Modec, we made significant advances in the technologies used and have created a commercial vehicle that offers a serious alternative to the diesel fleet."

Indeed if any proof were needed of this new reality, we just need to look at what's happening on the Cumbria-North Yorkshire border.

Every day, residents in this idyllic part of the country get to see Postman Pat doing his rounds through the village of Greendale and the town of Pencaster as he sits the behind the wheel of his eco-friendly Modec. Although he might not have consigned his ubiquitous bright red diesel van to the scrap yard yet, it certainly appears to be heading that way.

And it is easy to see why thousands of others are joining Pat in this choice. Powered by a lithium ion battery, its running costs work out at 7 pence per mile, considerably more economical that a comparable diesel, which costs around 30 pence a mile.

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There is no reason why getting a van insurance policy should be hard. Here at iVan we are van insurance specialists with an extensive network of industry partnerships.

We don't advertise, because we don't need to. Instead we rely on our two greatest assets: word of mouth and the strength of our quotes.

If you would like to find the best cover in town, let iVan's search engine drive you there.